Internal Tasks

Template Configuration – Internal Tasks

The Internal Tasks tab lets administrators specify tasks that must be completed by people inside or outside your organization to facilitate the onboarding of an employee.

On the start date of an internal task, the task owner will receive an email/message center notification with a link to the task. The task link opens a secure web page (keeping any potentially sensitive information protected) where the user will see the details of the task and may provide status updates.

Within the setup of an internal task, there are a variety of configurable items, including:

  • Schedule at what point of the onboarding process the internal task is triggered
  • Designate the owner of the action (and if they have the ability to reassign the task to someone else)
  • Indicate which internal tasks are discretionary (allowing the action item to be flagged as not necessary for a particular new hire)
  • Control who receives reminder notifications (and at what point in the workflow)
  • Set up the conditions for automatic inclusion/exclusion of the internal task for a particular new hire

To create a new internal task for the respective onboarding template, click the Add Task button on the Internal Tasks tab.  Below is a description of each type of internal task available for selection.


Form I-9, Section 2

Internal Task – Form I-9, Section 2

Form I-9 is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States.  On the form, an employee must attest to his or her employment authorization. The employee must also present his or her employer with acceptable documents evidencing identity and employment authorization. The employer must examine the employment eligibility and identity document(s) an employee presents to determine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and to relate to the employee and record the document information on the Form I-9. The list of acceptable documents can be found on the last page of the form.

Since all employers must ensure proper completion of Form I-9, it is automatically incorporated as an internal task of the onboarding template.  However, administrators are still able to control at what point the employer portion of Form I-9 is triggered for action to take and designate who is responsible for its completion.


Employment Screening

Internal Task – Employment Screening

To utilize the Employment Screening capability, an Employment Screening API must for be activated for your company.  Click HERE to learn more about employment screening.

If activated and you wish to initiate background screening requests from ExponentHR during onboarding, select the screening packages from the displayed available options.


Action Item

Internal Task – Action Item

Dependent upon the position being filled or other company-wide requirements, the Action Item task may be used to appropriately delegate the remaining items that need to be completed.  As an example internally, this may be sent to other departments or individuals to ensure the new hire’s desk is ready for first day of employment, the new hire has been provided security clearance, or ensuring all proper documents are uploaded to the new hire’s record.  Externally, the action item could be assigned to a third-party or other source to perform actions such as ensuring uniforms are prepared, recruiter has populated the new hire’s record fully, or other similar tasks.

When an Action Item is assigned, the recipient will have the option on their secure webpage to:

  • Update the specified field(s) and/or custom table(s) on the new hire’s record
  • Upload documents to the new hire’s record
  • Or simply mark the Action Item as “Completed”


Related Help Topics:

Onboarding Dashboard

Onboarding Setup General Options

Onboarding Employment Screening

Onboarding Task Status Report