Template Setup

Onboarding Template Setup

When the onboarding process is initiated for an individual, a series of tasks to complete and other content will be presented to the candidate (and any other individuals assigned an action) .  The specific list of items (and the order in which they are to be completed) is based on which template is applicable to the candidate.  This allows your organization to have the flexibility to build multiple custom templates, matching the specific onboarding needs related to the candidate and the position being filled (ex. state, department, job title, etc.).  In the event that a candidate matches the conditions of more than one template, the template with the highest template ID will be used for onboarding the individual.  If no conditional templates match the candidate, then the default template will be used when onboarding is initiated for a candidate.


To manage a template configuration:

1.  On the Management Navigation bar, click HR Administration > Applications > Employee Onboarding to display the Onboarding Dashboard.

Navigation Bar


2.   Select the Onboarding Setup item from the Options button drop-down list to display the Templates tab.

Onboarding Templates Tab

Note:  If no templates have been configured, click the on-screen link to configure the default template which is used in the onboarding process if no other templates are applicable for the candidate.


3.   Click on the template name (to edit an existing template) or click the New Template button to create a new template.

The Template Configuration page displays.

Template Configuration


4.   Within the template configuration, there are the following tabs on which you can customize your onboarding template:


5.   Upon making any changes to the template, click the Publish button to apply the changes immediately or the Save Draft button to record the changes to an inactivated template.


Related Help Topics:

Onboarding Dashboard

Onboarding Setup General Options

Onboarding Employment Screening

Onboarding Task Status Report